While drinking tree sap does not immediately sound appealing, Canadian producers are hoping that it will be the next must-try soft drink around the world. We have all heard of maple syrup, which is ...
While drinking tree sap does not immediately sound appealing, Canadian producers are hoping that it will be the next must-try soft drink around the world. We have all heard of maple syrup ...
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding drilled a small hole into a tall maple tree Saturday in Somerset and inserted a wooden tap. Moments later, sap that will become ...
SOMERSET, Pa. — Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding drilled a small hole into a tall maple tree Saturday in Somerset and inserted a wooden tap. Moments later, sap that ...
And there’s still plenty of work to be done in the woods before the sap starts flowing. "Tapping trees is kind of getting ready this week, and everyone is in the woods right now tapping trees ...
CONNOQUENESSING TWP — Lutherlyn becomes sap central in February and March, when the maple trees in the 660-acre camp are flowing with sugary sap, making late winter months at the camp an ideal time ...
During the class, Franklin County Extension Agent Bracken Henderson will teach students how to tap into a maple tree for some of the sweet stuff.
Welcome to Westminster Abbey. Daily prayer has been offered in this place for over a thousand years, and your participation in today's service is warmly welcomed. At choral Evensong most of the ...