Alice Guy-Blaché, however, achieved it all at the turn of the 20th century. The native Parisian who became the godmother of cinema was born Alice Guy in 1873. At 21, she took a job as a secretary ...
By Kendra Bryant, Deputy Arts & Life Editor Towson University’s College of Fine Arts and Communications CoLab invites ...
This International Women's Day, why not celebrate by watching a female-directed movie like 'Born in Flames' or 'Daughters of the Dust'?
C'est en 1896 qu'Alice Guy-Blaché grave son nom sur le piédestal encore vacillant de l'histoire du cinéma. Cette année-là, elle réalise en effet son premier film, «La Fée aux choux».
Using the career of Herbert Blaché as an example, the author suggests that Herbert's own accomplishments as a filmmaker have been slighted by historians in their focus on the career of his wife, Alice ...
This short film, translated to Pierrette's Escapades, is a hand-tinted silent French film directed by pioneering filmmaker Alice Guy-Blaché. This movie condenses a ballet sequence into under two ...
Alice Guy. La jeune femme est fascinée par le procédé. Alice, qui a connu une enfance internationale, a rapidement intégré, comme secrétaire, Le comptoir général de photographie.
Abby Monteil contributed to an earlier version of this article. Alice Guy-Blaché is the most important filmmaker you've probably never heard of. In 1896, she directed "La Fée aux Choux" ("The ...
Jacqueline Stewart is the host of Silent Sunday Nights on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). Silent Sunday Nights showcases silent ...
La série sera adaptée du livre d’Emmanuelle Gaume, Alice Guy, qui raconte l’histoire de celle qui est considérée comme la première femme dans le monde à avoir réalisé, entre 1896 et ...
Alice Guy: l’inconnue du 7e art, un film inédit à ne pas manquer ce mercredi 5 janvier, sur Arte à 22h30. Et pourtant, la publicité personnalisée est un moyen de soutenir le travail de ...