"It is a great stroke of luck that Aditya-L1 was able to witness such a strong flare right at the beginning of its research ...
Aditya-L1’s SUIT detects a solar flare kernel in near-UV for the first Observations confirm energy transfer across different ...
India's Aditya-L1 mission captures the first-ever image of a solar flare 'kernel,' providing unique insights into the Sun's ...
The Aditya-L1 mission was launched on September 2, 2023. On January 6, 2024, the spacecraft was successfully placed in a ...
ISRO's Aditya-L1 mission captures solar flare 'kernel,' providing new insights into Sun's explosive activities, impacting ...
Suresh Naik, Former Group Director, ISRO Speaks Exclusively On India's Mission To The Sun \| Top News. 00:54 ...
SUIT has captured a solar flare ‘kernel’ in the photosphere and chromosphere, recording images in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) ...
Just a few months after it was launched, the spacecraft observed one of the most violent flare eruptions on the sun - from ...
Prestigious Space projects like “Aditya” and “Chandrayaan” are led by women, who have paved the way for women led culture in ...
ISRO releases second set of Aditya-L1 solar mission data, accessible on ISSDC website for researchers and students.
Launched on September 2, 2023, by the ISRO PSLV C-57 rocket, Aditya-L1 reached its orbit around the first Earth-Sun Lagrange ...