Veteran actor Dharmendra, along with two others, has been summoned by a Delhi court in connection with a cheating case involving Garam Dharam Dhaba. The complaint, filed by a Delhi businessman ...
Veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others have been summoned by a Delhi court in a cheating case. A businessman alleges they fraudulently induced him to invest in a 'Garam Dharam Dhaba' ...
The rise of Telugu cinema, particularly dubbed versions, in the Hindi heartland is explored. The shift is attributed to multiplexes, changing tastes in Hindi cinema, and the appeal of Telugu films' ...
Garam Masala is a fragrant Indian spice mix widely used in curries. Cooking is incomplete without the use of spices. A spice is any seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance used for ...
TasteAtlas recently released a list ranking the best spice blends in the world and guess what? Garam Masala bagged the second spot on the list! For those who may not know, Garam Masala is made by ...
In Dubai, Boho Cafe is serving Gold Karak Chai, a luxurious version of Masala Chai, for a whopping INR 1 lakh. This extravagant tea comes with a 24-carat gold leaf topping, served in pure silver ...