A partnership between Holzerland Protection Dogs and the non-profit America’s K-9 Rescue has helped place Belgian Malinois emotional-support puppies with service veterans who are suffering from PTSD.
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You might need to limit walkies this week (Picture: Getty Images) Brits have been warned to ‘stay inside’ amid a cold snap sweeping the UK this week, and pet owners need to keep an eye on the ...
(Courtesy Monica Turner) At age 7, Mae, a rare Danish-Swedish farmdog from Cheyenne, has accomplished some big things — from tracking down elk and sniffing out rats to starring in a television ...
Even with Saquon Barkley not suiting up against the Giants this weekend, the Eagles star running back still managed to find a way to stick it to his former team. In a series of new ads for sleep ...
TACOMA, Wash. — The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County is waiving adoption fees for dogs one year and older as it faces a record-breaking capacity crisis. Staff say they are caring for ...
These cats and dogs are ready to start their own new chapter, bringing love, joy, and companionship to a home like yours. So don’t wait — adopt any one (or more) of these adorable animals today!
What RFK Jr.’s Dislike for Drug TV Commercials Could Mean for the Ad Industry Banning pharma commercials would be a tough task, but just the attempt could encourage drugmakers to make changes By ...