汽车收藏者们热泪盈眶,Mecum的基西米2025年拍卖会不仅是一场盛会,更是一场心跳的狂潮,超过4500辆车同台竞技,形成了全球最大规模的汽车拍卖盛宴,成交额竟然达到数亿美元,简直令人瞠目!这次拍卖中,经典肌肉车的身影自是大放异彩,尤其是426 Hemi发动机车型,成为了众多迷爱好者的追捧对象。接下来,我们将揭开成交价最高的10辆426 Hemi Mopars的神秘面纱。
This particular carmaker may not have always stolen the spotlight from its rivals, but it cemented its legacy with a car that ...
At Mopars5150, our passion for classic Mopar’s drives everything we do. With operations based in California and Texas, our team is always chasing the next big find, filming every step for our growing ...
No fewer than 28 Hemi-powered Dodges and Plymouths went under the hammer and about half of them sold for more than $200,000.
Plymouth Hemi Cuda is already a rare gem with only 666 units produced, but this one also features the ultra-rare gator grain ...