Dubai Drydocks has won a contract for the conversion of a tanker into a Floating Storage Offloading Unit (FSO). The engineering was carried out by Single Buoy Moorings (SBM) and the FSO will be ...
The U.S. Coast Guard's (USCG; planned expansion of the radarbased vessel traffic service (VTS) system — dubbed VTS 2000 — is a project which was recently analyzed by the U.S. General ...
A new product line of Refrasil Welding Grade Cloth (WGC) has been introduced by BP Chemicals (Hitco), Inc. The products, in nominal widths of 36 in. and varying in thickness from .032 in.
Norway's Ulstein International has been closely linked with the offshore industry since oil was first discovered in the North Sea. This close relationship is maintained with orders being placed at ...
As world trade continues to grow and the bulk shipping surplus in most sectors falls more closely into balance, the components necessary for profitable shipping should definitely be in evidence.
Newport News Shipbuilding has been "top of the news" of late, winning orders for five additional product carriers, unveiling its new plan to build ships twice as fast and maintaining its strong ...
Between 1845-1850, the Great Potato Famine created a mass exodus from Ireland, forcing two million citizens to board ships in search of better lives in the U.S. Jeanie Johnston was perhaps the ...
In the rapid expansion of American maritime interests there has been a large Scandinavian influence, many men of superior and expert knowledge of shipping and overseas interests hav-ing brought ...
The Clinton Administration revealed a 10-year, $1 billion program for subsidizing the U.S. maritime industry, to be financed by increasing tonnage fees on foreign vessels entering U.S. ports.
TransFRESH Corporation was formed by Whirlpool Corporation in 1966 to provide its Controlled Atmosphere (CA) technology called Tectrol® Atmosphere — in transportation vehicle applications.
The orderbook for U.S. dredgers is about $3B, and according to DCA CEO Bill Doyle, the incoming political administration could help this niche maritime sector continue its bull run.
ARESUME of work done up to the present time in the different harbors of the United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, San Domingo, Chile, and other countries in the West Indies and South America ...