ISRO releases the second set of the scientific data from the Aditya-L1 mission on 14 February 2025. The data sets comprise valuable scientific information about the Sun’s Photosphere, Chromosphere and ...
PhD holders (also those who have submitted the thesis and awaiting award of the degree), in specialised areas of studies in Engineering/Science/ Technology relevant to Indian Space Programme such as; ...
ईओएस-08 इसरो का नवीनतम भू-प्रेक्षण उपग्रह है, जिसे लघु उपग्रह प्रमोचन यान (एसएसएलवी)-डी3 द्वारा प्रमोचित किया जाना है। ईओएस-08 मिशन के ...
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) at Gadanki near Tirupati, an autonomous society supported by DOS, is a centre for atmospheric research. NARL is involved in technology development, ...
Atomic Clock Monitoring Unit (ACMU) subsystem, for the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), also known as NAVIC. This unit is a part of Navigation Payload of the IRNSS satellites and ...
Material featured on this site belongs to the DOS/ISRO and the same may be reproduced free of charge in any format or media without requiring specific permission. This is subject to the material being ...
External Links Present on the Website: At many places in this website, you may find weblinks to other websites / portals. These links have been placed for your convenience. DOS/ISRO is not responsible ...
NavIC (भारतीय नक्षत्र के साथ नेविगेशन) भारत के स्वतंत्र स्टैंड-अलोन नेविगेशन उपग्रह प्रणाली का नाम है इस सिस्टम को पहले IRNSS (इंडियन रीजनल ...
The nanosatellite SRMSat weighing 10.9 kg is developed by the students and faculty of SRM University attempts to address the problem of Global warming and pollution levels in the atmosphere by ...
In order to have smooth interaction with industries and handhold them to develop new technologies, an ISRO-industry interface mechanism will be established. Through this mechanism, ISRO will share its ...
Browse Products: Subsampled products provided in internet compatible formats such as jpg, gif and png. Web Services: Data and Information Provided using standard Open Geospatial Consortium complied ...
चंद्रयान -2 मिशन एक अत्यधिक जटिल मिशन है, जो इसरो के पिछले मिशनों ...