Allocate resources to areas hosting migrants to strengthen public services like housing, education, and healthcare. Promote ...
The way to a peaceful and secure future does not lie in closer integration with NATO or other imperialist alliances ...
The international community must finally confront the tragic reality of Syria: a nation treated as a chessboard by global ...
Η Κύπρος βρίσκεται σε μια κρίσιμη καμπή. Η πρόθεση του Προέδρου Νίκου Χριστοδουλίδη να ευθυγραμμίσει την Κύπρο με το ΝΑΤΟ απειλεί τόσο την κυριαρχία του νησιού μας όσο και την εύθραυστη ...
Kıbrıs kritik bir dönemeçten geçiyor. Başkan Nikos Christodoulides’in Kıbrıs’ı NATO ile hizalamak isteği, hem adamızın egemenliğini hem de bölgemizin kırılgan barışını tehdit ediyor. Emperyal ...
DiEM25 has put forward a bold new migration policy in direct defiance of the European Union’s brutal, dehumanising ‘Migration and Asylum Pact’. This isn’t just another policy proposal – it is a ...
MERA25 verurteilt die diffamierende Berichterstattung der BILD Zeitung über unsere Bundestagswahl-Kandidatin Melanie Schweizer und erklärt uneingeschränkte Solidarität Wir verurteilen die ...