[导读]Pedro Robot是一个完全开源的项目,设计为每个人都可以访问和定制。组装起来很容易,不需要螺丝,不需要胶水,不需要工具!完美的制造商,学生和教育工作者希望探索机器人和编程。 Pedro 2.0是一个完全开源的项目,旨在为每个人提供可访问和可定制的 ...
Ever wondered if you could build a robot controlled by chemical reactions? [Marb] explores this wild concept in his video, merging chemistry and robotics in a way that feels straight out of sci-fi.
Robots come in many forms, but some can move in all directions just by adjusting their shape. Joshua Stanley, a creator on YouTube, has previously created Fred, a rolling robot with a hexagonal ...