Disney Branded Television has picked up Messi and the Giants, a sci-fi animated show inspired by Lionel Messi. The animated action-adventure series unfolds in an epic saga where a young boy named ...
Lionel Messi, a global soccer icon and an eight-time Ballon d’Or winner, is stepping into a new arena: animation. His upcoming series, Messi and the Giants, is set to premiere on Disney+ and Disney ...
Lionel is no stranger to Thomas products; they started selling the O gauge version in 1993. Lionel has recently launched a product line they call “battery O.” These are starter sets aimed at kids and ...
The adventurous series will debut exclusively on Disney Channel, followed by Disney+. By Jessica Roiz Assistant Editor, Latin A Lionel Messi-inspired animated series will soon premiere on Disney ...
A LOCOMOTIVE SHOWSTOPPER – Checkout the Pennsylvania Flyer LionChief 0-8-0 train set; This set is equipped with Bluetooth technology, letting you glide the rails via a mobile device; Great for ...
Lionel Messi’s journey to soccer stardom will be the subject of a new animated sci-fi series at Disney. “Messi and the Giants,” which tells the epic saga of a young boy named Leo who ...
Lionel Messi is getting his own animated series, "Messi and the Giants"! Following a young boy from Argentina who is then transported into a fantastical alternate universe. Disney Branded ...
A Lionel Messi-inspired animated series will soon premiere on Disney Channel after Disney Branded Television acquired Messi and the Giants from Sony Music Vision and Sony Pictures Television ...
Lionel Disney Battery-Operated Mickey Mouse Express Toy Train Set – $114.99 $80.49 (30% off) Grab this train set for under your Christmas Tree this year and control it with Bluetooth from your phone!