Washing your hands is a given if you want to avoid infection—but it's especially important after touching these top 10 ...
Greta Fairbanks, who started Happiness is...Granola, decided her workspace would be only for those who use American Sign ...
For many, the infection starts with symptoms similar to the common cold, but a painful, full-body cough can develop after a ...
Is COVID going around again? The CDC's wastewater surveillance system suggests the virus is growing in prevalence.
Public health experts are raising alarms over a potential quad-demic this winter, with flu, COVID-19, respiratory syncytial ...
Just remember three simple words: Wash your hands! There's no secret as to why that works. It's all due to the way colds spread. Then you come along, happy and healthy, and touch that spot.
As friends and family visit, so too do their viruses. What's trending and where? And how can you protect yourself? The Times ...
The Biden administration announced on Monday a last-minute trade investigation into older Chinese-made "legacy" ...
Sing and dance along with Mr Tumble to the Washing Hands song.