If your golf swing is in a bit of a rut, it might be tempting to start all over again from the ground up. But before you go ...
There's all sorts of bad swing advice out there, but what are some of the worst tips? Padraig Harrington shared a few on The ...
Jake Hutt is taking a different approach to golf instruction by using raps and beats to create fun, engaging and effective ...
The thought's probably crossed your mind: "What if I built a golf studio at home?" Before you bust down any walls, PGA Coach ...
Charles Howell III has never been the bulkiest golfer, but he's always been able to create power. Here are his four keys for ...
With the winds gusting at Torrey Pines this past weekend and golfers trying to combat the conditions, PGA Coach Brendon ...
Lead hand placement is arguably more important than trail hand, as this hand is the primary club face angle controller. Open ...
As it happens, 1950 is a decent starting point when you're telling that particular story; there are infinite ways to define ...