Carney, economista di fama ed ex governatore delle banche centrali di Canada e Inghilterra, succede a Justin Trudeau in un ...
Mark Carney ha trionfato nelle primarie del Partito Liberale e, come previsto, prenderà il posto di Justin Trudeau alla guida ...
Mark Carney, who won the election on Sunday to succeed Justin Trudeau as Canada's next prime minister, said US President ...
2025年春季,全球著名户外品牌Canada Goose宣布上市其全新的春季系列。这一系列在延续品牌一贯高品质工艺的基础上,融入了更多贴合现代生活的时尚元素和先进科技设计,吸引了众多消费者的关注。作为户外服装的领军者,Canada ...
El gobernante Partido Liberal de Canadá anunció hoy que el exgobernador del Banco de Canadá, Mark Carney, asumirá como nuevo líder del partido. Carney va a suceder a Justin Trudeau como primer ...
【星岛都市网】联邦自由党即将公布新党领人选,总理杜鲁多将卸任,他在自由党大会上发表临别感言,称对自由党的成就“感到非常自豪”。杜鲁多的女儿埃拉·格蕾丝 (Ella-Grace Trudeau,上图左1) 也罕见发表公开演讲、赞誉父亲。
The additional countermeasures on C$125 billion in imports from the United States would be from a list of goods open for a 21 ...
Visit Radio Canada International in 7 languages to discover, and better understand, the democratic and cultural values of ...
美国对加拿大商品加征的关税(目前部分关税暂缓一个月)对加拿大各家公司的影响并不相同。Lululemon Athletica和Canada Goose的总部都在加拿大。一家公司的大部分产品在加拿大生产,而另一家则在别的地方生产。
TMTPOST -- The Trump administration is pressuring two neighbour countries to align with new U.S. tariffs on ...