It’s another year of high-profile animated sequels, led by Disney’s “Zootopia 2,” DreamWorks’ “The Bad Guys 2,” and Nickelodeon/Paramount’s “The SpongeBob Movie: Search for Square Pants” and the ...
Happy New Year, everyone! Disney has some big movies coming out in 2025. One of those big movies is Zootopia 2, which is going to be the studio's fall animation release. This year, they walked ...
Resident Evil movies are bad, or that’s probably what you’ve heard over the years. But look, some of them have their merits, and aren’t the huge Hollywood disaster you may think it is. The best of ...
While it could also count as a reboot or simply another chapter to the saga, 2013’s Evil Dead is widely considered among the best horror remakes ever in the way it pays homage to what made the ...
If there's one part of any cinematic year we all cannot wait for, it's the return of our favorite characters. Over recent years, the biggest movies at the box office and on streaming have been ...
So, because of that, I was excited to watch The Colors Within, written by Reiko Yoshida and directed by Naoko Yamada, and is in American theaters now. With a coming-of-age story and what seemed ...
The remaster could simply be an easy effort on Capcom’s part to get a new title out within the current or next financial quarter. A Resident Evil 6 remaster could feature 4k resolutions ...