Simply put, many feared January 1, 2000, would bring mass chaos. Television news contributed to Y2K fears, often running features on survivalists who were unplugging and isolating from society in ...
Learn more Whether heading into the office, suiting for a wedding, or meeting up with a new client, the best performance dress shirts are the way to go. These cooling, breathable shirts will keep ...
But 25 years ago, several people thought computers would be the end of us. The Year 200 Problem, commonly known as Y2K, was a hypothesis that a computer flaw would have caused major issues when ...
Sure, there were issues that hint at the global catastrophe that the Y2K bug might have been, but most, including The Register rolling over to "year Zero," were worth little more than a chuckle. That ...
On the set of “Y2K,” co-writer, director and star Kyle Mooney had something of a malfunction himself. “We were staying at a hotel in Jersey and my wife was there, and she texted me something ...
In 1999, many worried that the world's computers couldn't handle the change to the year 2000 — and some even thought that the apocalypse was near. Today, “Y2K” often refers to a popular fashion choice ...
1, 2000. Yes, the year 2000 software problem, known as Y2K, turned out to be a nonevent. That has led to a widely held view that it was a kind of manufactured crisis, a vastly overstated danger ...
Many others simply celebrated. A quarter century ago, as 1999 neared 2000, Y2K was all the buzz. Local, state and federal officials all predicted a smooth transition. Area disaster officials said ...