The Planning and Development Committee approved a bill Friday that would forbid Connecticut libraries from entering in contracts with e-book publishers that limit libraries’ ability to control ...
By Carlene Bauer Our critic on Deanna Raybourn’s “Kills Well With Others” and three more new books. By Sarah Weinman In “Air-Borne,” his detailed and gripping account of aerobiology ...
Senate Bill 13 would create school library advisory councils largely made up of parents. It would give school boards, rather than librarians, the final say over new books. A bill authored by state ...
A California law making book bans illegal went into effect Jan. 1. The bill, authored by Al Muratsuchi who represents California’s 66th Assembly District, requires state-funded public libraries ...
In need of a good read? Or just want to keep up with the books everyone's talking about? NPR's Book of the Day gives you today's very best writing in a snackable, skimmable, pocket-sized podcast.
In Linda Joan Smith’s “The Peach Thief,” an orphaned girl posing as a boy raids an English Eden. By Jennifer Howard Leonard S. Marcus brings the wonder of a 1968 snapshot to a new ...
Rhode Island has seen an increase in attempts to ban books from school libraries ... This year's effort to push the bill over the finish line began Thursday with an old-fashioned State House ...
This commentary is by Bill Schubart. He is a retired businessman ... You can find all of his bimonthly columns at his website. Two books that look at the past and future of Vermont through two ...
The Daily Mail Books department chooses their favourite fiction of the century. When 50 American hostages were released on Reagan's inauguration the timing seemed too good to be true. Den of Spies ...
Bill Gross says there's so much bad news right now that he's scared to wake up each day and find out what's happening in financial markets and the world. "Frankly I am frightened every morning to ...
Removing Benjamin Franklin from the $100 bill and replacing the Founding Father's image with one of President Donald Trump is what a Republican lawmaker is proposing. Rep. Brandon Gill ...
Fascinating fantasy steeped in East Asian folklore.