In a tragic incident, a wild bull (he-buffalo) suddenly entered the Model High School in Navkhanda Palace (Bhadkal Gate) on January 1 (Wednesday). The bull injured more than 14 students. The municipal ...
CWD is an always-fatal prion disease affecting elk, moose, reindeer, and deer. It was first detected in North America in 1967 ...
A family from the Chicago suburbs decides to skip Christmas and head to Ontario for a moose hunt in the winter.
If you’re not a duck hunter, you might wonder what force causes your waterfowling friends to leave the comforts of a warm ...
Jimmy Carter’s legacy includes working to eradicate tropical diseases in Africa, South America and Asia and to end conflicts ...
We’re supposed to get 5%: we don’t even see that.” Trophy hunting generates enormous revenue for hunting operators, with bull elephants fetching $20-40,000 depending on tusk weight. But as sustainable ...
Incidental take of feral hogs by the public during established hunting seasons for other species (e.g., big game and upland game) with legal weapons and permits for the permitted hunt season.
Across the globe, there isn’t a single wild bull living today. Sure, there are plenty of dangerous bulls but every single one of them is domesticated to one degree or another. Despite that ...
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will host a virtual public hearing at 5 p.m. Wednesday to hear comments on ...
The competition aimed to encourage recreational hunters to target wild goats and raise awareness about the damage they cause to New Zealand's native ecosystems and farmlands. Despite the competition's ...