The "Wicked" movie is set to hit your screen very soon, not long after making its cinematic debut. The movie follows the story of two witches, Elphaba played by Cynthia Erivo and Glinda played by ...
"Wicked," the big-screen version of the Broadway smash that has been defying gravity at the box office, is about to work its magic at home. The movie musical starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana ...
And very soon, he will see that success continue, as The "Wicked" movie is expected to be available for streaming at home, even though it only just arrived in movie theaters. "Wicked" the movie ...
If you’re one of the many who caught “Wicked” in a theater, you’ve probably attended a sing-along screening – albeit unintentionally. As a theater kid, I understand both sides ...