As global demand for high-quality, responsibly sourced coffee continues to rise, ROR Coffee Solutions is set to transform the ...
深圳新闻网2025年3月12日讯(深圳特区报记者 樊怡君/文 毕晗/图)一架无人机穿梭于茂密的林间,将AED和急救包稳稳投掷至地面,这是记者在凤凰山森林公园看到的场景。深圳“空地一体 ...
以高科技为“特产”的深圳,不只有人形机器人和大模型,最近再有起飞的“救命神器”。 3月12日,记者从腾讯获悉,深圳“空地一体 生命至上”城市救护项目正式落成并启动运行,即将全面步入常态化运作阶段,这也是深圳卫健委联合开展的“五分钟社会救援圈”的延伸。
Armstrong Williams reflects on Donald Trump’s impactful address to Congress, comparing it to a perfect game in baseball ...
Sgt. 1st Class Dominick Borreggine completed the Cabin Fever 50K in 4:26:51, placing him fourth overall and third in his age group among 224 finishers.