Car insurance premiums can seem like a mystery. Rates seem to rise all the time, so when does car insurance go down? Fortunately, insurance costs can decrease in a variety of situations.
Other insurance, such as personal injury protection (PIP) and liability coverage for bodily injury, don't relate to your car at all and will never pay for mechanical failure. Does gap insurance pay in ...
Engine-driven fans can suffer from the failure of the fan belt, another reasonably inexpensive fix. The critical thing to remember is that you should never drive a car that is overheating. If your ...
In a report covering the condition of the car, the paintwork is classed as “poor,” one of the doors is listed as broken ... The list of problems really does go on, and on, and on.
Sami Allen is the managing editor at Forbes Home, with over seven years of experience in the home space and 10 years of editing experience. Sami Allen is the managing editor at Forbes Home, with ...