Converted from a pelagic trawl boat, the factory ship first led a whaling expedition that lasted from 1991 to 1992. It was called a “moving processing factory” because the whales caught by ...
The whaling ships have a permit to catch 227 minkes, Bryde's and sei whales this year in Japanese waters. Japan's last commercial hunt was in 1986 but it has continued whaling for what it says was ...
Japan’s largest whaling company is banking on a new mother ship to pull the industry out of the doldrums. Kyodo Senpaku Co. plans to complete the vessel, which measures more than 100 meters in ...
Also popular is a storytelling presentation on The Essex, the local whaling ship that inspired "Moby Dick." The Whaling Museum sits in a former candle factory in Nantucket Town. Admission starts ...
The film’s director, Robert Paul (1869-1943), was a pioneer of the British film industry in its formative years. The 1909 film opens on a whaling ship with a harpoonist successfully shooting a whale ...
In the days before electric light, lamps filled with whale oil provided a bright, safe, and steady light. Whaling ships came from many places including from here! Join us for a look into whaling on ...
Those are referred to as "whaling" attacks (because they're going after the really big fish), and if you're in a senior position within your company, you may be a target. Spokeo shares what you ...
Today Grytviken's former whaling station on South Georgia - the only one open to visitors - has been likened to an industrial scrapyard: beached and broken ships litter the shoreline, rusting ...
HUDSON — The opening reception of a year-long series of exhibitions “Hudson: A History of Whaling & Maritime Commerce” will be Thursday, March 6 at 6 p.m. at the Hudson Area Library.