Weight gain medications—like some steroid-, cannabis-, and hormone-based prescriptions or supplements—may promote weight gain. Some chronic illnesses, surgery, and trauma to the body can lead ...
Investing in nutrition at the calf stage will offer farmers the highest returns in relation to Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR).
Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) doesn’t usually cause weight gain, though it may cause other weight changes. Sometimes, treatment for hyperthyroidism can lead to weight gain ...
The big question for farmers is, have finished beef prices peaked? Or will they continue to increase, as they generally do in spring? Given the unprecedented store prices in marts, anyone looking ...
“Make sure you breastfeed,” my doctor told me when I was three months pregnant. It felt less like she was getting ahead of herself and more like she was spinning off in a totally different ...
Most women at some point have to contend with weight gain. But for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), losing weight can become a constant struggle. If you have PCOS, certain lifestyle ...
Breastfeeding moms need additional calories to produce milk "Breastfeeding women need additional calories to produce milk, and these ladoos can help supply necessary nutrients. If paired with a ...
Loading Still, I was shocked when not only did I not lose weight while breastfeeding, I started to gain it. Sure, I was hungrier than I had ever been in my life, but I couldn’t understand why I ...
In ambulatory care settings, infant growth is used to assess breastfeeding adequacy. However, the assessment of weight gain and growth among breastfed infants has not always been accurate because ...
Despite carbohydrates being an essential macronutrient, when it comes to weight loss, carbs like pasta, rice, corn, bread and ...
Late-night eating isn't necessarily the cause of weight gain; food choices and eating habits matter more. Disrupting ...