Mumbai: The Malwani police, on Thursday, lodged an FIR against a local resident for negligence after an uncovered water drum kept on his terrace led to the death of a five-year-old boy.
Two young sisters, aged 8 and 9, were found dead inside a water drum in Pune. The police arrested a 54-year-old cook, who admitted to drowning the girls and attempting a sexual assault.
Water polo was initially a dangerous sport that first developed in the rivers and lakes of mid-19th century England as an aquatic version of rugby. In 1870, the London Swimming Association developed ...
Speaking to the media on Friday, Pankaj Deshmukh, Superintendent of Police, Pune Rural, provided details about the shocking rape and murder case of two minor sisters at Rajgurunagar. He also ...
Rancho Bernardo’s Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol held its annual holiday party on Dec. 11 in the Rancho Bernardo Library. Attending were current and former RSVP members and their spouses ...