Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath offered prayers at the Shri Ram Lalla and Hanumangarhi temples during his day-long visit to Ayodhya on Friday. At the Saryu Guest House, he held a ...
After his remarks on Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha, Mukesh Khanna is maing headlines for his comments regarding Ranbir Kapoor's casting as Lord Ram in the upcoming Ramayana film. Mukesh ...
He expressed that Ranbir’s previous roles, particularly in Animal, could negatively influence the audience’s perception of him portraying the revered character of Lord Rama, adding ...
In a recent interview with Mid-Day, Khanna expressed his disdain about Ranbir portraying the role of Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana. The actor spoke about how all the negative roles that Ranbir ...
Talking recently, Khanna raised issues about how Kapoor’s recent role in Animal will go against the grain with the audience’s perception of Lord ... Hanuman. Arun Govil, who famously portrayed ...
Image Source: Pexels Numerous temples in India dedicated to Lord Hanuman, a highly esteemed deity in Hindu religion. People seek courage, power, and the removal of impediments at Hanuman temples ...
if Lord Ram can forgive Manthara, if he can forgive Kaikeyi... if he can even forgive Ravan after the great battle was done, surely you can let go of this extremely small thing in comparison..
The epic narrative of the Ramayana is rooted in the two words "Ram" and "Ayana," where "Ayana" signifies a journey and "Ram" is the human incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The Ramayana unfolds through the ...
Working memory is also known as RAM, but why is it there at all? Further reading: Why mixing your PC’s RAM is a recipe for disaster The term RAM stands for random access memory. This already ...
The Shri Kartik Mahadev Temple (Bhasma Shankar temple) was reopened on December 13 after the authorities said they stumbled upon the covered structure during an anti-encroachment drive.
“People call him Chanakya in politics, but I would like to call him the Hanuman of our country, who serves the nation selflessly," Varun said, while speaking at the Agenda AajTak conclave. Bringing up ...