There are many varieties of the fritillary butterfly, such as the regal, variegated, Diana, and Gulf fritillary, each of them beautiful in their own unique way. The original great spangled ...
Battered but unbowed — Steve Huxley took this photo in the Tehachapi Valley of what appears to be a somewhat weathered Callippe Fritillary (Speyeria callippe) that was nectar-feeding on narrowleaf ...
Often mistaken for Monarchs due to their similar color patterns, Viceroy butterflies are a symbol of mimicry and self-protection. Observing a Viceroy can encourage you to examine how you protect ...
Essex & Suffolk Water has joined Essex Wildlife Trust, Butterfly Conservation and other partners, for the benefit of the Heath Fritillary Butterfly, one of the UK’s rarest butterfly species. There are ...
especially if you have milkweeds or butterfly bush. There are actually several fritillary species that all look very much alike, but the great-spangled fritillary is the biggest, boldest ...
Michael Crossley receives funding from SARE, USDA-NIFA, and United Soybean Board. Monarch butterflies are among the most beloved insects in North America. They are brightly colored and unique ...
If you are a UD faculty member interested in writing about your research for The Conversation, please email [email protected]. Monarch butterflies are among the most beloved insects in North America. They ...
Monarch butterflies may soon get federal protections after nearly a decade-long effort to preserve the species. The monarch's eastern migratory population has fallen about 80% in the past couple ...
Each winter, Floridians are lucky enough to step into their gardens and witness the majesty of monarch butterfly migrations. The colorful black and orange wings dazzle kids and parents alike ...