Some are borderline, a mix of benign and cancerous. Phyllodes tumors start in your breast’s stromal, or connective, tissue. Phyllodes means “leaflike.” That’s because as they grow ...
Although the incidence of GISTs is rising in the oriental population, available document on this area is still limited, especially studies with large sample size in a single center. This study ...
Itchy skin, or pruritus, can be a symptom of some cancers, including blood-related, skin, liver, gallbladder, and bile-duct cancer cancers. However, other causes of itching are more common. Itching ...
Cancer cells may cause body odors, but not odors that most people will notice. While some studies show dogs may be able to detect cancer smells, researchers are exploring the possibility of detecting ...
Stage 4 cancer means cancer cells have spread to distant tissue or organs. The relative 5-year survival rate for a person receiving a diagnosis of stage 4 small cell lung cancer (SCLS) is 3% ...
Paolo Tarantino, MD, PhD, medical oncologist and clinical fellow at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses elacestrant (Orserdu) as a well-tolerated treatment option for patients with hormone ...
Dietary supplements by themselves can’t fully treat cancer, but there are some supplements that can potentially help prevent cancer or assist in your cancer recovery. When it comes to dietary ...
Finding out that you have cancer can be overwhelming. Disbelief is common. Other emotions soon follow. Hearing that you’ve been misdiagnosed, though -- that the cancer is not what your doctor ...
H. Ma and S. Srivastava are joint first authors of this article. R. Sundar and P. Tan are joint corresponding and senior authors of this article.
Indicators for Gleevec nonadherence were cognitive functioning, global health status score, social support, gender and others in patients with GIST.