In an unfortunate incident, a truck crushed nine people sleeping on a footpath in Maharashtra's Pune, the police said. While three, including two toddlers, were killed, six were injured in the ...
A viral video recently circulated on social media, claiming to show a Coca-Cola delivery truck filled with children, allegedly involved in a child trafficking incident in Cicero, Illinois. This ...
José Luis Escobar Hoyos wanted to show his mother that being a punk wasn’t just about dressing in chains and spikes and listening to loud, accelerated music.
Three people, including two toddlers, were killed and six others were injured early Monday when a truck driver allegedly ran his vehicle over a group of migrant workers sleeping on a footpath at ...
Aid trucks drove through the rubble in Gaza's southernmost city of Rafah on Wednesday as displaced Palestinians — many of them children — chased after the vehicles, trying to grab water bottles and ...