Transformers One opened up a whole new world of opportunity for possible animated Transformers movies, showing just how valuable the medium could be for the somewhat stagnated science fiction ...
Hasbro’s Transformers toy line is set to take centre stage in an all-new stop-motion animated series entitled Transformers One: New Adventures. Produced in partnership with TheSoul Publishing and ...
New Adventures, a stop-motion series inspired by the Transformers One movie, rolls out on the official YouTube channel.
Transformers has had more animated series than we can count but not nearly as many representations of the warring robots in ...
“Transformers One” is the first fully animated Transformers movie since 1986’s deeply traumatic “Transformers: The Movie,” which was notable for, among other things, killing off Optimus ...
At the end of the last live-action Transformers movie, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, a massive hint at the future of the ...