The acclaimed K-drama Flower of Evil will begin streaming on Lionsgate The show combines suspense, drama, and emotional depth in a thrilling s The series is elebrated for its strong performances and ...
Viewers of the ITV drama Playing Nice were left fuming after the latest episode, thanks to the 'evil' antics of Miles Lambert, portrayed by James McArdle. The third part of James Norton's ...
There are 11 Resident Evil movies. Six are the ones that Milla Jovovich stars in, which, with the 2021 reboot Welcome to Raccoon City, gives a total of seven live-action Resident Evil movies. Next up, ...
Why doesn't Israel adopt the same policy as every other sovereign country, not negotiating with terrorists? Op-ed.
And speaking of giant lizards, April will bring the release of Godzilla Vs. Hulk and Godzilla Vs. Spider-Man, two one-shots ...
When Yellowstone premiered in 2018, fans couldn't get enough of the Dutton family. With its complex characters and fascinating storylines that touch on themes of power and greed, the compelling ...
It's not often you watch a TV show and long for a lawyer to show up, but that's exactly what happened with ITV's new 'prestige drama' Playing Nice (ITV, Sun/Mon, 9pm). Did you know with a Digital ...
While it could also count as a reboot or simply another chapter to the saga, 2013’s Evil Dead is widely considered among the best horror remakes ever in the way it pays homage to what made the ...
The world of survival horror might be getting a little lamer, as a new iteration of the worst mainline Resident Evil game has received an age rating. Capcom has spent the past few years remaking ...