The deceased, Radha, a member of Kurichiya tribe, was attacked by the tiger near the forest boundary of the plantation adjoining Priyadarshini Estate under Thalappuzha forest station limits.
KALPETTA: The tiger responsible for the death of Radha, a 47-year-old Scheduled Tribes woman and coffee plantation worker, has been found dead near Moonnu Road on the Pilakkavu-Pancharakolli route ...
The tigress and cubs were seen near a water tank opposite the house of a resident named Nataraj at around 7:30 ... Following the sighting, a cage has been placed in the village to trap the tigers.
Earlier in the day, Jayasurya, a member of the RRT, was injured after it was attacked by the tiger near Pancharakolly. While he suffered injuries in his right hand, the wounds are not serious ...