Projections warn that "much of the open ocean could reach a near-permanent" marine heat wave state by the end of this century ...
Tidal marsh restoration has been frequently attempted, as exemplified by ongoing work along the shores of the Delaware Estuary. Here, various measures are being taken to stabilize the eroding ...
What the loss of three full-time Seashore staff could mean to the Cape's premier attraction. Three experts weigh in.
There are solutions to the problems "estuary urbanization" is causing, if people are willing to accept some trade-offs. The effects of dredging are most visible in the daily tides, which have ...
Florida’s coastal waters composed of marshes and tidal estuaries, fed by iconic rivers, represent the very essence of natural Florida. It is hard to imagine any significant historical event ...
For tidal power to work, you need a really strong flow of water. This is easier to capture when you’ve got water flowing through a narrow channel, such as an estuary, or between two parts of land.