And it was thus as much a temple to Athens and the Athenians as it was to their patron goddess, Athena herself. Because it played such a crucial role in the Athenians' construction of themselves ...
Athens' oldest coins were created from silver originating around the world, a study suggests, revealing an unknown ancient ...
This is a cast of the viewer's left side of block o from the south frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis at Athens. The south frieze depicts a battle between Greeks and Persians, ...
Dedicated to Athena Parthenos, or "Athena the Virgin," the magnificent Parthenon stands atop the Acropolis, on the site of another lost temple to Athens' patron goddess. Little is known about this ...
Besides the popular attractions, such as the Acropolis and Delphi, there are many more amazing archaeological around Greece ...
The Erechtheion, a temple to Athena, occupies the most sacred ground on Athens’s Acropolis. Ancient Greeks held festivals, sacrifices, games, and religious processions at the site; today it’s ...
Located on on the southwestern side of the Acropolis, the Temple of Athena Nike is a small yet elegant structure celebrating Greek victory in war. Its graceful Ionic columns and friezes capture ...
The cradle of Western civilization, boasting a rich history dating back over 3,000 years, Athens is home to iconic landmarks ...
One of central Athens' best preserved ruins is the Temple of Hephaestus. Nestled within Ancient Agora, this site was built between 460 and 420 B.C. and once served as a Christian church.
The show, part of NGV's Kids Summer Festival, will be performed at the Temple of Boom, a modern interpretation of the Parthenon, the ancient monument that crowns Athens for thousands of years.
The Pallas Athena Grecotel ... in central Athens was another perk, according to many travelers. Guests staying here are within walking distance of Ancient Agora and the Temple of Hephaestus ...