In the state of Tamil Nadu, the road tax is calculated as per provisions of the Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicle Taxation act of 1974. The tax to be paid depends on the type of vehicle and the act states that ...
Tamil Nadu is the fourth-largest state of India. It has a diversified manufacturing sector and features among the leaders in several industries like automobiles and auto components, engineering, ...
The tax is also applicable for professionals like chartered accountants, lawyers, doctors, etc. The professional tax to be paid depends on the professional tax slab rate of Tamil Nadu which keeps ...
from any other State or place can draw their entitled food grains in Tamil Nadu through inter-State portability from any fair price shop of their choice after successful biometric authentication.
Eighteen districts in Tamil Nadu face rain deficits despite exceeding overall rainfall averages. Tuticorin experiences the most significant shortfall, while Chennai enjoys a surplus. Southern ...
The Tamil Nadu government has released the list of 24 public holidays for 2025, applicable to state government offices and institutions. The holidays include major festivals like Pongal ...
Fish is a staple in many South Indian households. Try these unique mackerel dishes from Tamil Nadu. Check out the full recipes below. Almost every chef, food writer, or self-confessed foodie has a ...
2. Dindigul hospital fire: CM Stalin announces solatium Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin announced a solatium of ₹3 lakh to families of each of the six persons who died in a fire accident ...
Recently, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) officials raided a shop at Thennamapalayam and seized toxic garlic. Tirupur District Food Safety Officer Vijayalalithambigai and her ...
Parts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry experienced heavy rains due to the landfall process of cyclone Fengal. Senior officials in three southern states, including Andhra Pradesh assigned to supervise ...