Ethno-religious map of Syria In Syria, eight decades of independence (more than five of them under the Assads) failed to ...
After dusk, the president slipped out of the capital, flying covertly to a Russian military base in northern Syria and then ...
The Middle Eastern country had been ruled by outside powers and dictators for centuries before its revolution was realized.
For those who dozed through it, or flipped to more compelling fare in the NFL, here’s a brief recap of the rollout of the ...
Children from around the world track Santa Claus as he sweeps across the earth, delivering presents and defying time.
A review of a year filled with headlines that few in the national security and intelligence space could have imagined, one ...
Assad, who wielded fear and force over Syria for more than two decades, fled the country under the cover of night — and a ...
Who’d have thunk it? The Assad regime collapses in Syria after 54 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hold on power seems undermined by imperial overstretch, and the mullahs of Iran have been ...
Sharaa, the new Syrian leader was seen as a terrorist by the US and his organization, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham was viewed as a ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - New questions are emerging about the origin of GPS coordinates used to map locations of fire ...
Trump, “like any world leader, wants to negotiate from a position of strength. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak and he ...
In 1994, the line of succession changed in what seemed a promising way. Basil al-Assad, the “hero” and Hafez al-Assad’s ...