Report by Primus Partners highlights potential of seaweed farming in India, projecting significant growth and positive impact ...
Fury as Defra closes key nature-friendly farming scheme to new applicants - The abrupt move is described as ‘another shattering blow’ to the sector, which is already at loggerheads with Government.
Displaced from their lands, livelihoods destroyed, and forests handed over to corporations, India's tribals face an ever ...
Harare - In a recurring cycle of attempts to restore order, the Harare City Council is set to initiate yet another operation to remove vendors from the city's central business district (CBD) this ...
For generations, Louisiana’s menhaden fishing industry has supported small coastal communities and harvested a sustainable ...
VisMin developer Cebu Landmasters, Inc. (CLI) has been included in the ATRAM Philippine Sustainable Development Growth Fund ...
VisMin developer Cebu Landmasters, Inc. (CLI) has been included in the ATRAM Philippine Sustainable Development Growth Fund ...
Ascending Africa launched the Kilindini campaign to revive East Africa's blue economy and its potential, which can be used to ...
The Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy (NORPRA) has urged the government to as matter of significance, prioritise ...
Through UKRI, the UK Government has announced a £12 million funding scheme to develop sustainable and resilient aquaculture systems across Southeast Asia ...
The Irula tribe excels in snake handling and venom extraction, vital for anti-venom drugs. Their co-op, founded in 1978, ...