When Charley Hudak was hired by Sun Day Red to design Tiger Woods’ new golf shoe, there was an important swing thought he had to keep in mind. “One of Tiger’s most important requests was ...
Astronomers modeled sunspot activity on a nearby red giant star to learn about its chaotic interior. Sunspots, which are temporarily darkened areas on the surface of the sun, are the result of ...
Dec. 19, 2024 — Scientist have begun to reveal the particle-level processes that create the type of auroras that dance rapidly across the sky. The Kinetic-scale Energy and momentum Transport ...
can be linked to the dynamo mechanism operating inside the sun," co-author Zsolt Kővári explained in a statement. "The large-amplitude variations in the brightness of the red giant XX Tri have ...
A dog named Tamika barks as a homeless person sleeps in the backyard of an abandoned house on the first day of a statute that took effect, making it illegal in Florida to sleep on sidewalks, in parks, ...
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la sección bilingüe del Sun-Times. Now in its 25th year, the tradition operated like clockwork Saturday morning. Crew on board the ship passed partially frozen trees from Northern Michigan to ...
How one family turned their peach orchard into a rallying cry for saving heirloom flavors and building community. Masumoto Family Farm is a fourth-generation Japanese-American farm outside of Fresno, ...