BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Having broken the Hollywood monopoly in the global list of 10 highest-grossing films, the animated feature "Ne Zha 2" is generating ripple effects beyond cinemas, ...
晚晴园是孙中山先生在新加坡时的居所之一,在1994年时被新加坡政府列为国家古迹,由新加坡国家文物局照看。这里分成五个展区,可以通过历史文物、展板和多媒体展示慢慢发掘历史。从古老的照片、私人物品和信件里,可以窥见当年南洋华社领袖和孙中山先生之间的革命友 ...
晶体管在摩尔定律 (Moore's Law) 的推动下持续提高硅基集成电路 (ICs) 性能,随着尺度微缩至10纳米技术节点以下,已接近操作组件下的物理极限。(数据源:闳康科技;文章编修:科技新报) ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Estimates by financial services provider Morgan Stanley show that inbound tourism is expected to generate cumulative revenues of between $1.7 trillion and $4.5 trillion for China over the next decade, ...
为了解决上述问题,北京大学化学与分子工程学院、北大合成与功能生物分子中心、北大-清华生命联合中心陈兴/戴鹏团队于2025年2月7日在Nature Communications期刊上在线发表了题为Mutant glycosidases for ...
Noting the movie's huge box office success and audience appeal, U.S. entertainment media outlet The Hollywood Reporter has ...
每临春节,又是VML Intelligence伟门智威《未来趋势100》发布时。报告以10个版块为框,100个前瞻关键词为骨,上千个创新案例为翼,成为全球每年最具价值的趋势预测报告(非之一)。品牌猿抢先翻译,让我们依次慢享这100个令人兴奋的未来。