Jackie French is an Australian author, historian, ecologist and honourary wombat (part time), 2014-2015 Australian Children' ...
Gardeners growing fruits, including apples, pears and raspberries, should mark their calendars this month. February is an ...
At Oewerzicht Farm, in Greyton, one such trial included a new pear, the European and Asian pear cross PremP009, marketed as ...
Sowing seeds, feeding, mulching and pruning are high on the agenda in February – it's a prime time to prepare the garden for ...
Initial pruning and training of young trees is best carried out in spring, just as the buds are breaking. Other pruning to correct problems and encourage fruiting should be carried out in summer – ...
Research suggests that drinking prune juice may help treat constipation. It may soften stools and encourage more frequent bowel movements. Constipation can occur for many reasons, including low ...
Apple trees of the Fuji Standard cultivar on Marubakaido rootstock with M9 filter were utilized. The orchard was established in 1999, with 4 m between rows and 1.5 m between plants. Treatments ...
Having an indoor fruit tree may sound appealing, but not all fruit trees are suited for growing inside. Here are the ones to avoid and what to grow instead.
At this time, trees are dormant, and pruning contributes to their better development. For some types of trees, such as apple and pear trees, the period from December to January is ideal for pruning.
The same spray will help prevent fire blight in apples and pear trees. Fruit trees aren’t the only plants that need attention this month. Finish pruning deciduous trees, roses and shrubs while ...
Note: Do not prune more than 20% of your tree in a single year. This could put it into shock. If you over prune, your tree will dedicate its energy to growing new leaves instead of fruit.