GM Defense will be sending next-gen Suburban Shield armored vehicles to the Qatar Armed Forces for diplomatic security and ...
Since its inception in the mid-1930s, specifically 1935, this full-size SUV has redefined ... and even as a luxurious limousine in some markets. In terms of size, the Suburban is one of the ...
近日,Auto情报处从相关渠道获悉,雪佛兰Suburban新车型正式发布,雪佛兰Suburban定位大型SUV,新款车型主要对一些细节和配置做出调整,搭载6.2L V8自然吸气发动机,传动系统为10AT变速箱,全时四驱也是标配,售价约合人民币44万元。 新款车型在外观方面,延续了老款车型的大体设计,典型的美系大型SUV风格,车头给人的感觉较为宽厚,中网增加了大量镀铬饰条作为点缀,大灯组采用分体式设 ...
The armored Chevrolet Suburban has double the weight of a normal SUV. It sits on the platform of a Silverado and is designed to keep going through an attack ...
The Hemera, the world's first Super-SUV, will bring new levels of luxury and performance to the SUV segment when production starts in 2012. Hand-built in London, it will feature a limousine-like ...