A blood spot in the white of your eye, known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, is caused by the bursting of tiny blood vessels beneath the clear surface of the eye. It is typically a harmless condition ...
Health care professionals involved in the care of infants are in an ideal position to identify and to educate families, the public, and other health care professionals about the risk factors ...
Cadiente suffered a facial fracture, a traumatic subconjunctival hemorrhage, a concussion, orthopedic knee injuries, cognitive impairment including memory loss and confusion, and vision loss after ...
Discover resources offering practical support for low vision, including transportation services, assistive technology training, and comprehensive rehabilitation programs.
A retinal tear is a common age-related eye condition. It causes eye floaters and flashes of light and may lead to more severe vision problems. On its own, a torn retina will not damage your eyesight.
Color blindness is also known as color vision deficiency, and there’s currently no cure for it. However, addressing underlying causes, using special glasses, and other adaptations can help ...