What we don't know The exact cause of the fish kill remains unclear. While blue-green algae has been detected in the lake, officials have not confirmed whether it is responsible for the mass deaths.
A phenomenon affecting Spring Lake appears to now be affecting Lower and Upper Prior Lakes as well – a fish kill. Residents along the lakes reported dead crappies along the shoreline nine times ...
A fish kill affecting Spring Lake appears to now be affecting Lower and Upper Prior Lakes, too. Residents along the lakes have reported dead crappies along the shoreline. Nine reports of dead ...
With the cause of a fish kill still a mystery and more dead fish appearing every day, city officials Monday afternoon closed Mary’s Lake to fishing until further notice. Lawrence Parks and ...
Johns River and a "larger fish kill" at Lake Apopka near Orlando, the St. Johns Riverkeeper (SJRK) said in a Facebook post Tuesday. SJRK said it is monitoring FWC's investigation into the St.
At least 100 adult walleye died in a recent Otisco Lake fish kill and nobody knows why. The fish kill occurred two weeks ago, on Thursday, Sept. 8, according to a post on an Otisco Lake community ...