Look for all of the Lake Erie tributaries to open up in the coming days and offer good trout fishing fairly soon.
Lansing — With Michigan’s new fishing license and regulation season beginning Tuesday, April 1, anglers wanting to hit the ...
An overlap of perch and coho fishing on southern Lake Michigan, the wide variety of spring weather and options and the ...
Anglers looking to get an early start on their fishing season and catch one of Idaho's most prized fish should take advantage ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - The highly successful Sea Lamprey Control program, charged with eradicating the invasive fish from around ...
Muckey compared the challenge of catching steelhead to fishing for muskie ... by using colored beads and egg sacs on a drift rig or under a float. That’s the bait Muckey uses into early December.
The DNR offers a variety of ways for everyone to learn about and enjoy Michigan’s outdoors. Following are a few March ...
What we're gonna do now is shift gears and do a little open water fishing this time of the year chasing some steelhead on a West ... decided to start a bait and tackle business.
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