美国共和党参议员卢比奥 (Marco Rubio)是候任总统特朗普 (Donald Trump)提名的国务卿人选,他一直严厉批评中国的不当贸易行为,包括被指使用强迫劳动。
In Santa Barbara, California, a strong-willed but loving single mother raises her teenage son with the help of two unconventional young women during the summer of 1979. At the dawn of World War II, a ...
在《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒》(WLK)中,野性德鲁伊(简称“野德”)是一个极其强势的专精,无论是PVP还是PVE都有出色的表现。为了帮助玩家更好 ...
与已经停产的“立场”基本型一样,“立场”XR隐蔽携带手枪是对几年前在美国民用市场上销售的“荣誉自卫(Honor ...
Beijing is bracing for President-elect Donald Trump's tough stance on tariffs and Taiwan. Ramy Inocencio has more on Trump's ...
土耳其国防部长古莱尔(Yasar Guler)说,美国可能回心转意,总算愿意交付安卡拉F-35战机。综合外电26日报导,古莱尔在土耳其大国民议会(Turkish Grand National Assembly)的计划和预算委员会上发表谈话时,提及土 ...
At the last policy meeting, the U.S. Fed slashed the target range for the federal funds rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4.5 percent to 4.75 percent amid cooling inflation and a weakening labor ...
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