The Royal Malaysia Police has tightened security along the Malaysia-Thailand border following a bomb explosion in Pekan ...
Muhammad Fakrul Aiman, 22, is accused of murdering Nur Anisah Abdul Wahab, 21, at Jalan Sungai Limau between 8.30pm on May 22 and 8am on May 23, 2023, under Section 302 of the Penal Code ...
PETALING JAYA: A man who spooked local residents by dressing as a mummy and walking in the middle of a road in Sungai Besar, Selangor, is said to be mentally ill. Sabak Bernam police chief Robin ...
SUNGAI BESAR: A 20-year-old man has been charged at the Magistrate’s Court here with the murder of his pregnant lover. Muhammad Fakrul Aiman Sajali nodded when the charge was read out in front ...
Dari keterangan warga, semula ada yang memancing kemudian mata pancing mengenai sesuatu yang besar di sungai. Awalnya dikira ikan biasa. “Dikira ikan besar karena berat saat ditarik. Ketika ditarik ...
SUNGAI BESAR: A 20-year-old man has been charged with the murder of his lover at the Magistrate's Court here on Thursday (June 1). The accused, Muhammad Fakrul Aiman Sajali, nodded when the charge ...–Selama berhari-hari, curah hujan sangat tinggi. Hujan yang tak kunjung reda di Kota Semarang sudah menyebabkan 4 sungai besar meluap. Akibatnya, hampir semua wilayah di Semarang bawah pun ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta-Tim Ekspedisi Sungai Nusantara (ESN) selama tiga hari ... Beberapa mikroplastik juga dapat berasal dari degradasi plastik yang lebih besar. Mikroplastik dapat masuk ke air melalui ...