Spy X Family is an action-adventure comedy anime that follows the misadventures of a found family with unique quirks. The story follows spy Twilight (known as Loid Forger), who, while on ...
Loid prioritizes Anya's success in school for reasons beyond the mission. His relationship with Yor transforms from a cover to genuine care and concern. Loid sacrifices dangerous missions to ...
As revealed in the latest Spy x Family manga chapter, Donovan Desmond could read people's minds. While Twilight and Fiona found this intel peculiar, as fans would know, Anya Forger possessed the same ...
Loid Forger as seen in Spy x Family manga (Image via Shueisha) Spy x Family chapter 109 will most likely see Loid Forger try and learn about his target Donovan Desmond from his wife Melinda Desmond.