A new study indicates that humans tend to make better and more informed decisions after getting a full night’s sleep.
A new study indicates that for the best quality sleep, you should enjoy light exposure in the morning. The findings also ...
We recently changed the clocks again, and getting out of bed may feel harder than usual: Research has shown the sudden shift ...
Too much light at night, and not enough light in the day, could increase your risk of dying earlier than you otherwise would ...
Cannabis constituent cannabinol increases sleep, as per a new study. Scientists at the University of Sydney have provided the ...
A groundbreaking new study conducted by the University of South Florida will track young people through 2050 to learn more about the long-term impacts of smartphones, social media and other digital ...
Getting enough sleep is known to be essential for good health, but new research from Baylor University shows just how ...
Thomas Edison, who helped invent the light bulb, often used daytime naps to help spur his creativity even though he claimed not to sleep more than four hours a night.
This could be through visualization, numerical symbology, or paying careful attention to the natural numbers occurring around ...
Cognitive behavioural therapy is the first line of treatment for insomnia, but it is expensive and very few know about it.