In "Skyshade," the third book in "The Lightlark Saga," Isla struggles with the aftermath of a devastating battle and the divided loyalties in her heart. As she faces an impending evil and a fractured ...
Apple TV+ series Silo is well into season 2 with the world beyond the underground bunker ripe for investigation. Based on the Wool novel trilogy by Hugh Howey, Silo focuses on the life of a ...
Poor Commander Anderson could only fumble up the title of one book, no author. Dispiritedly, he mailed in his reading list after he got home, just so Rickover would not think him “a total stupe.” ...
The Book of Quinn tries to deepen the mystery of the Silo, but it stumbles in execution. The pacing is all over the place dragging through unimportant details while rushing through key moments that ...
Carly Tagen-Dye is the Books editorial assistant at PEOPLE, where she writes for both print and digital platforms. Lizz Schumer is the senior books editor at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE ...