Universal Pictures has delayed Shrek 5 by a few months to December 23, 2026 while putting Despicable 3 spin-off Minions 3 in its original slot. As reported by Variety, Minions 3 will therefore now ...
Deadline (via Toonado.com) has learned that Shrek 5 is now set to open on Wednesday, December 23, 2026. The long-awaited sequel had originally been scheduled for July 1, 2026, so while this delay ...
It's no big surprise that Shrek is once more in the limelight. This hit film franchise that came out of nowhere in 2001 came to define a generation. Now, Shrek is set to once more hit the silver ...
We have good news for animated film enthusiasts. Both hotly anticipated sequels of Shrek and Minions will be released in 2026. Universal Pictures announced that it is swapping its theatrical release ...