O Immaculate, Queen of Heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you. I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at ...
Visit the homepage for more information. In the Marian prayer of St. Thomas, which is always God-centered and in relation to Christ, we find an emphasis on petition, as well as emphases on ...
When we pray to Mary, we are children speaking to their mother. And so, our prayers to Mary are not only communal but also personal. Our personal prayers, however, are shaped and molded by the ...
According to the Catholic Church's calendar of saints, January 1st is a day of joy, dedicated to Mary, Mother of God. On this special day, set aside some time to pray with faith and joy ...
TURA, Jan 13: Prayers instead of consecration marked the launch of Meghalaya’s first state university on Monday. An opening prayer was conducted by Rev Wetterfield Marak and benediction was pronounced ...
In this Sunday’s Gospel passage of the Wedding Feast at Cana, there is a theological portrait of both Mother Mary and prayer. Mary is the quintessential paragon of prayer. Not only does she ...
One of the first prayers that you and I learned as children was the Hail Mary, a prayer that some non-Catholics criticize for being directed to Mary rather than to God. Part of the problem is that ...
The Bishop then read the consecration prayers and invocation, Rev. Dr. TYNG reading for him the consecration sentence. Morning Service was then read in French by Rev. Dr. MCVICKAR, another ...
Starting your day with morning prayer is one of the most powerful ways to invite God’s peace, strength, and joy into your life. When we begin each morning in prayer, we shift our focus from the ...